Dolibarr DevCamp Summer Montpellier 2024

The Dolibarr association and Eoxia organize the semi-annual DevCamp. The 2024 summer session will take place in Montpellier (France) from Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 June 2024.
This developer-oriented event is a gathering that allows the community to meet, share and work on the heart and the future of the software.


As the event brings together more and more volunteers, and the number of places being limited, registration was initially reserved for "Preferred Partners", who have been invited by email. Now, the remaining seats are open to any developer profile with experience on Dolibarr (in case of exceeding the capacity, the Dolibarr association will arbitrate).


: From Thursday 6 at 2 p.m. to Sunday 9 12 p.m. of June 2024


: EPF Ecole Ingénieurs Montpellier

Note about the event ...

The Dolibarr DevCamps are reserved to the Dolibarr community main developers or PHP contributors.

  • The event occurs in France, most attendees will be French speaking people, so the speaking language will be French.
  • Only 50 seats available: Priority to Preferred Partner is applied (news is published for them few day before).
  • You must be present from the thursday to the sunday morning or saturday evening.
  • No Covid health pass required
  • For this DevCamp, the hostel is reserved and paid by the Dolibarr association if you fill correctly the field "Book and pay hostel for me" to yes into the registration form...

More information here.

If you are a PHP developer then you are welcome. You must register using the link below:

Information and online registration here (payment of 150 euros required)
(12 seats remaining / 50)


Eoxia, and Dolibarr Foundation, with the help of Montpel'libre and EPF Ecole Ingénieurs Montpellier


Day 1 (Thursday)
02:00 pm : Welcome ! Devcamp starts / Free discussions
03:00 pm : Tour de table - Presentation of the participants.
04:00 pm : Opening keynote.
05:30 pm : What's new in Dolibarr 20. by Laurent Destailleur.
07:30 pm : Dinner
10:00 pm : Technical discussions
Day 2 (Friday)
09:00 am : Day opening
10:00 am : Presentation to be determined.
12:00 pm : Lunch
03:00 pm : Presentation to be determined.
07:30 pm : Dinner
Day 3 (Saturday)
09:00 am : Day opening
10:00 am : Presentation to be determined.
12:00 pm : Lunch
03:00 pm : Presentation to be determined.
07:30 pm : Dinner
10:00 pm : Technical discussions / Bug fix continues !
Day 4 (Sunday)
09:00 am : Day oppening
12:00 pm : Devcamp ends

Topics and issues to work on:
- Bug fix contest
- Sharing of good practices throughout the developers community
- Discussion on any topics, like Top strategic Feature Requests...
- Modules demonstrations,
- Security best practice,
- Conferences...,

Status of attendees registration:

Remind: To make your registration and have it validated, you must pay the fee for the event during the registration process.

This is a list of validated attendees (status is validated when payment of registration has been received):

Адрес электронной почты: cha…@eva…
Company: Evarisk
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: jul…@iou…
Company: Iouston
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: i.b…@iti…
Company: Itized
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: fin…@hot…
Company: Itized
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: ama…@eox…
Company: Eoxia
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: nic…@eva…
Company: Evarisk
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: kkh…@eas…
Company: Open-DSI
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: yann@lin…
Company: Yann Le Doaré
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: aur…@osc…
Company: osCSS shop
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: syl…@inf…
Company: Sylvain Legrand
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: eric@cod…
Company: 6TEMATIC
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: noe…@alt…
Company: Altairis
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: ben…@alt…
Company: Altairis
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: lau…@eva…
Company: Evarisk
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: t.c…@vol…
Company: VOLD
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: r.c…@vol…
Company: VOLD
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: a.m…@vol…
Company: VOLD
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: mat…@ipr…
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: joh…@atm…
Company: ATM Consulting
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: max…@atm…
Company: ATM Consulting
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: ale…@ino…
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: nic…@ino…
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: art…@arn…
Company: DLCUBE
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: rde…@ope…
Company: Open-DSI
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: ogi…@ope…
Company: Open-DSI
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: p.s…@ope…
Company: Open-DSI
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: flo…@sco…
Company: SCOPEN
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: phi…@ato…
Company: ATOO.NET
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: a.d…@pro…
Company: Progiseize
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: a.b…@pro…
Company: Progiseize
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: nsi…@ns-…
Company: NS-INFO
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: gil…@net…
Company: NET LOGIC
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: pao…@cap…
Company: CAP-REL
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: eri…@cap…
Company: CAP-REL
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: lma…@dol…
Company: DoliCloud
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: ala…@dol…
Company: DoliCloud
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: mda…@dol…
Company: DoliCloud
Статус: Validated - Paid

Адрес электронной почты: lde…@dol…
Company: DoliCloud
Статус: Validated - Paid

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